Does this sound like you? Are you in your 50s well have a read of this one.
Patient Y presented to Caulfield Family Chiropractic complaining of low-back pain, hip pain, neck pain and shoulder pain. This was really getting to her.
At the time of presenting to Caulfield Family Chiropractic her symptoms had been present for 5 days and were worsening.
The patient stated that her pain, which was reported to be 8/10 (10 being the worst pain imaginable), was constantly aching, punctuated by very sharp episodes.
The patient could not recall anything that may have precipitated this complaint, except that she had only just returned to normal activities of daily living, following prolonged time off due to illness.
The patient reported similar complaints in the past, which were relieved by chiropractic care however, none had ever been this severe.
So we did our thorough history and examination which we are known for at Caulfield Family Chiropractic on the patient to determine the nature of her health problem.
The examination revealed significant forward head and shoulder posture, in addition to a notable lean to the right-hand side. Range of motion testing throughout the spine was severely limited due to pain. Joint restrictions, muscle spasm and tenderness to palpation was noted throughout the patient’s entire spine, particularly evident throughout the cervical spine and sacrum. Palpation of the low-back musculature and neck/shoulder musculature was extremely painful and reproduced the patient’s hip and shoulder pain.
At the progress exam the patient reported significant changes to all symptoms with an overall improvement of 95%. The patient now reports having no pain and no difficulty completing activities of daily living.
The patient has now adopted a more positive approach to health care, by looking after herself better and taking steps to prevent future recurrences.
If you want to do the same give us a call and let us help you.
BY: admin