By Dr Jake Bright
A 31 year old woman, pregnant with her second child presented at caulfield family chiropractic with a history of low back pain, pelvic pain and feelings of instability in the pelvis.
These symptoms had been present since the second month of her pregnancy and were gradually getting worse. The symptoms affected the patients day to day activities and had become so severe that she sought treatment.
The patient had suffered from this pain during her first pregnancy, but it was much worse this time.
The patient began care over 4 weeks. After 4 weeks of chiropractic care, the reported a significant improvement to her low back pain.
Daily activities were less challenging and the patient reported sleeping better too. On her third visit, she asked “Why did no-one tell me about Chiropractic sooner?”.
The patient is continuing care to further optimize his functioning and further reduce symptoms.
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