Try to find times during the day to get your spine in line with chiropractic in Melbourne where you can focus on your posture and get your spine in line with chiropractic. Tie your triggers into the things that you do most often, each and every day.
Here are some examples to get your spinein line with chiropractic in melbourne;
Standing at the fridge to get a drink? Double check your feet and make sure they are correctly positioned. Take a couple deep breaths.
Sitting down for the first time at your desk? Check to see if you’re leaning to far forward with your head and neck.
At a red light while driving? -Pull your shoulders back and square them up instead of keeping them rounded. Your ears should be directly in line with the center of your shoulders.
Standing in line at the rental car counter? Practice your squatting position while you’re staring at your phone scrolling through Facebook (don’t worry about the people who look at you funny).
What other triggers can you come up with to get your back in line with chiropractic?
It may take weeks, months or even years of doing this to get your spine in line with chiropractic in Melbourne and to a better default but after a while you won’t even be able to remember how you used to stand and sit.
Keep at it.
BY: admin