10 Reasons to do our unique Flex and Stretch program.
One instructor for only three participants.
Carefully selected exercises to increase core strength quickly, but without injury.
Detailed exercise guide so you can do more work at home.
All exercises pre-approved by your chiropractor for safety and effectiveness.
Graded class levels from jelly belly to abs of steel so you can really see your improvement and strive for the next level.
Complete levels
Speed up your recovery by having a strong core and gluteal section, proven to speed up recovery and prevent re-injury
Unique PNF stretches added in to quickly and easily increase your flexibility. Ever wanted to do the splits or touch your toes? Now you can!
Bingo wings are the thing of the past with our specially crafted upper-body blaster exercises.
Is lifting your kids literally getting your down? You’ll be spinning them in the air one-handed after completing our whole body conditioning flex and stretch program.
BY: admin