Shin splints is a name often given to any pain at the front of the lower leg. However, true shin splints symptoms occur at the front inside of the shin bone and can be caused by a number of causes.
At Caulfied Family Chiropractic we find the most common is inflammation of the sheath that surrounds the shin bone. Pulling forces on this sheath from tight muscles in the lower leg cause shin pain and inflammation.
Pain over the inside lower half of the shin
Pain at the start of exercise, which often eases as the session continues.
Pain often returns after activity and may be at its worst the next mornings.
Swelling may or may not be present over the inside of the shin bone
Lumps and bumps may be felt along the inside of the shin bone
Pain when the toes or foot are bent downwards
Redness may or may not be present over the inside of the shin bone
Shin splints can be caused by a number of factors which are usually bio mechanical and over training.
The most common causes include:
overpronation of the feet
increased running training too quickly
running on hard surfaces
decreased flexiblity of the ankle joint
Treatment for shin splints involves reducing pain and inflammation,
restoring the tight shin muscles to the original condition and gradually returning to training.
The most important part is identifying the training and bio mechanical problems which caused the injury initially- without addressing these issues, the problem will keep coming back
Rest to allow the injury to heal and the inflammation
Applying ice in the early stages to reduce inflammation
Stretching the muscles in the lower leg
Wearing appropriate, shock absorbing shoes
If the problem is biomechanical, getting some custom orthotics fitted in our clinic will help
Maintain fitness with other non weight bearing exercises such as swimming, cycling or running in water.
See our myotherapist or chiropractor for massage to release the tight shin muscles, and corrective exercises.
correcting biomechanical imbalances with appropriate footwear
correcting biomechanical imbalances with orthotics from caulfield family chiropractic
applying the 10% rule to your running training-increasing your times/distances by no more that 10% per week will prevent injuries
Avoid running on hard surfaces only- try grass, or sand to reduce the shock passed through the legs.
Massage therapy on the muscles of the lower leg will prevent them from becoming too tight and causing shin splints.
Contact Caulfield Family Chiropractic
128 Hawthorn Rd
9532 8715
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